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Cosner Art Galleries continuously purchase and consign Canadian art. Below is the catalog of paintings available at our art galleries in Montreal.
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Abstraction, 1966
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Untitled , 1968
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Sans titre, 1970
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Untitled, 1968
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Ritournelle, Bridgehamptons, 1960
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Untitled (Bridgehamptons Serie) , 1960
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Sans titre, v. 1975
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Ficelle en marche, 1972
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Avion à ski, 1972
1923 - 2002
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Auto neige, 1972
1923 - 2002
Claude Tousignant
Ultra-gris, 1977
1932 - -
Marcelle Ferron
Abstraction, 1963-73
1924 - 2001