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Cosner Art Galleries continuously purchase and consign Canadian art. Below is the catalog of paintings available at our art galleries in Montreal.

Sorel Etrog
Etrusco Study, 1967
1933 - 2014

André Fournelle
Untitled , 1984
1939 - -

André Fournelle
L'ange et Luce, 1975
1939 - -
Jim Ritchie
Marilyn Monroe
1929 - 2017
Jim Ritchie
1929 - 2017
Jim Ritchie
1929 - 2017
Jim Ritchie
Sans titre, c.1973
1929 - 2017

Yves Trudeau
Untitled , 1965
1930 - 2017

Yves Trudeau
Mur fermé et ouvert, 1977
1930 - 2017

Zoya Niedermann
Arco, 1991
1954 - -

Zoya Niedermann
Flying Figures, 1990
1954 - -

Zoya Niedermann
Equilibrio perfetto, 2022
1954 - -