Untitled (Bridgehamptons Serie)
“In 1960, Jean-Paul Riopelle presented individual exhibitions in Paris at the Galerie Kléber, which would become the Galerie Jean Fournier, and at the Galerie Jacques Dubourg. He spent more than a year in East Hampton, in the United States. He rented a workshop where he worked, among other things, on sculpting pieces to make up a chess game. Constantly seeking to innovate, Riopelle uses increasingly varied techniques and materials.“.
Excerpt from the biography of Jean-Paul Rioppelle by the Jean-Paul Riopelle Foundation, The 1960s: The Experiment. https://fondationriopelle.com/jean-paul-riopelle/
During this year of 1960, Riopelle began his sculpture work, but also created a series of watercolours and Indian ink which he called the Bridgehamptons series.
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Untitled (Bridgehamptons Serie) , 1960
Cosner Art Gallery Ritz - Carlton Montreal
Watercolor and ink on paper
Post-War Canadian art
56,5 x 70 cm | 22'' x 27,5''
Dimensions with frame
71,1 x 90 cm | 28'' x 35,5''
Signed and noted 46 lower right
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Album 67, # 8, 1967
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Album 67, # 9, 1967
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Untitled, 1968
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Les saisons de Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies n.1, La Vallée du roi, 1985
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Les saisons de Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies n.2, Les Hautes Grouettes, 1985
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Les saisons de Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies n.3, Les Petites Vignes ou Grouettes, 1985
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Les saisons de Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies n.4, Le Marais, 1985
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Les saisons de Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies n.5, La Tilleuse, 1985
Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923 - 2002)
Les saisons de Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies n.6, Les Ravenelles , 1985