Joe Fafard (1942 - 2019)

Isabelle, 2002

Get an estimate of your artwork of Joe Fafard
  • Gallery

    Espace 1130 - Cosner Gallery | Art dealers

  • Medium


  • Time


  • Dimensions

    64,7 x 90,17 x 17,7 cm | 25,5'' x 35,5'' x 7''

  • Signed

    Signed and numbered 4/7

“I want to give Canadians a sense of the country, a sense of what we have here in terms of the beautiful creatures.” Joe Fafard

Joseph Fafard first sculpted in plaster, clay early in his career, but switched to bronze as his primary medium in the 1980s. In 1985, he opened the Julienne Atelier foundry in Pense, Saskatchewan. His art is heavily influenced by his surroundings and includes life-size bronze cows, horses and pigs, as well as portraits of 19th and 20th century painters such as Van Gogh and Picasso.

Over the years, Fafard has developed national and international recognition for his unique work. He has created sculptures of various sizes, ranging from small intimate pieces to large installations for public spaces. His bronze, ceramic and steel sculptures have been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums across Canada and around the world.

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Learn More about Joe Fafard