Gérard Bélanger

Quebec sculptor, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

Gérard Bélanger

Gérard Bélanger was born in 1936 in Montreal. He was a self-taught painter and sculptor who took advanced art courses in France and the United States to improve his skills. René Richard, a painter, helped him develop his palette and pictorial technique. In the early 1980s, Gérard Bélanger took bronze casting lessons with the artist Aristide Gagnon. In 1987, he initiated the Inverness Art Foundry project, revealing his deep desire to communicate with his contemporaries and future generations through bronze. He has exhibited his paintings and sculptures in Quebec, Vancouver, the Bahamas, and Tokyo. He has also worked on several projects that integrate art and architecture, including the doors of the Bronze Museum of Inverness and those of the garden of the Hôtel de Ville de Québec.

Gérard Bélanger created bronze figures with an aerial aspect, curved shapes, and a body volume that is emphasized. He was elected as a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 2000. Sadly, he passed away in 2019 at the age of 83.

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