Untitled (Port of Montreal)
“Adrien Hébert paints the modern city and not the old city of the French Regime, Ville-Marie and its old monuments, witnesses of a glorious past that artists like Georges Delfosse tried to revive. Hébert paints the contemporary urban space with its port, commercial and industrial activities, all this buzzing life traditional rural values ??can only be lost. - Pierre L'Allier, Adrien Hébert, Museum of Quebec, page 93.
Canadian painter, son of the famous sculptor Louis-Philippe Hébert, he studied at the School of Fine Arts in Paris. By painting Montreal urbanity and industrialization between the wars, he quickly became a figure of modernity in Canadian art. The oil works about the port of Montreal are part of the collections of the great museums of the country.
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Untitled (Port of Montreal) , c.1930
Cosner Art Gallery Ritz - Carlton Montreal
Oil on canvas
Fine Canadian Art
74,9 x 104 cm | 29,5'' x 41''
Dimensions with frame
97,8 x 127 cm | 38,5'' x 50''
Signed lower right
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Scène de rue vue de l’intérieur, c. 1937
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Maritime Scene, vers 1910
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Sailing of an Empress, c. 1931
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
The Montreal Dock, c. 1924-1926
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Antraigues-sur-Volane, c. 1922
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Sur le pont, v. 1925
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Untitled ( Bonsecours Market)
Adrien Hébert (1890 - 1967)
Paquebot, port de Montreal