Montreal , le port

Marc-Aurele Fortin inventory number #H-1081. Marine scene, Port of Montreal by canadian painter Marc-Aurele Fortin. The end of the 1920s was a big success for Marc-Aurele Fortin, in 1928 La Presse reproduced in coloron the cover page one of his big paintings titled Campagne candienne. He participates in the Spring and Fall Show and continues to participate in Eaton's group exhibitions. At that time, he lived at the Maison Saint-Joseph and it was during these years that he experimented and made studies of clouds shaped balls of cotton.

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Marc-Aurèle Fortin (1888 - 1970)

Montreal , le port, c. 1928

  • Gallery

    Cosner Art Gallery Ritz - Carlton Montreal

  • Medium

    Oil on board

  • Time

    Fine Canadian Art

  • Dimensions

    26,27 cm x 30,5 cm / 10 1/2'' x 12''

  • Signed

    Signed lower left, signed and titled on verso

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